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An Endeavour to Bring Smile

Welcome to TRY –

TRY was founded by visionary Shri Utpal Dutt in  the year 2004 and works in various sectors such           as Health, skill development, Education and livelihood promotion and in various development sectors nationwide. TRY is affiliated to different stratum and inherits the rich multi-disciplinary resource-based event and program to build capacity in different sectors of sustainable development.  TRY, is an outcome of initiative and dynamism of changing the perspective of the society and serving them in terms of filling the discrimination and lacking wherever required. TRY is well known to address Health, skill, livelihood promotion with potential measure and efforts to resolve under the guidance and support of Government with active involvement of local stakeholder.

Our Projects


Aajivika Bridhi Yojana

Rural Wellfare Hospital


TI – Targeted Intervention

Mega Skills

Panchayati Raj

Our Gallery

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